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"Brb 6 months later and still waiting"

A review of Whitefriars Housing Group by Kate written on Wednesday 2nd of May 2018


Horrendous customer service. Worker came round to fix a kitchen socket after their surveyor spotted the repair in an annual inspection. Blokes turn up to do socket and decide they want to move it 6 inches to the left so it's flush with the one on the opposite wall. Gotta go get some stuff they say and stuck the sockets on the ceiling. Yes you heard me. They are right at the top of the wall so practically on the damn ceiling. And there they have remained for 6 months. Repeated attempts to get them to come out and take them down so I can use them has resulted in either no one turning up or on one occasion a letter telling me to do it myself and shoe evidence to whitefriars! This is total madness. Extension sockets running across my kitchen for 6 months. They never reimburse me for lost wages when they didn't turn up but still expect me to take time off work on the off chance someone comes this time. They tell me they don't work after 4.30 which is rubbish. Absolutely furious and time to go to the papers now..

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Whitefriars Housing Group

Map showing Whitefriars Housing Group on St James Lane